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Welcome to the course website for Social Media and Web Analytics at TiSEM in 2021.

This course introduces students to recent developments in the online marketing landscape - with an emphasis on social media and user generated content (UGC).

There are two overarching objectives:

  1. Learning/delivering marketing insights from state of the art research in social media marketing and the effects of user generated content,
  2. Improving analytics & coding skills.

We want you to develop the knowledge and skills that we would want you to have if we were hiring you to work in our social media analytics team.

Course content is archived from the 2021 course.

Important Information

Course Syllabus



  • Dates: Block 4, 2021
  • Lectures: Pre-recorded Videos
  • Self-Guided Tutorial: Guided Coding Exercises with RMarkdown Documents
  • Discussion Sections: Live on Zoom
  • Contact Us:
  • Rules: Participating in this course means abiding by our Social Rules and Code of Conduct.

Pre-Course Survey

Please fill out the pre-course survey before the course begins.

Slack Chat

Discussion with the instructors and with your peers will take place on the Slack messaging platform.

  • Sign up to our Slack chat by creating an account with your email address
  • Log in once you have created an account.

Contact us via email if you cannot sign up or log in.